Customer Satisfaction Survey December 2000

A questionnaire was used to ascertain how a random selection of customers rated the performance of Applied Inspection. The questions addressed work carried out both in the company’s laboratories and on-site.

Ten questions, ranging from booking inspection services to the final account and compliance with health safety and environmental rules, were devised. The customers were asked to rate our performance on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 was totally dissatisfied and 5 was totally satisfied.

60 questionnaires were sent out and 42 were returned, representing a response rate of 70 per cent.


Overall results for each question expressed as a percentage are as per the following table:

  • Measurement Per Cent
  • Booking 94
  • Punctuality 90
  • Attitude and Appearance 90
  • Timescale 91
  • Explanation of Test Results 88
  • Interim Report 86
  • Final Report 91
  • Value 81
  • Final Account 84
  • Health, Safety and Environmental 86

Customer satisfaction measurement at each location (Average):

  • Chesterfield 92
  • Burton-on-Trent 88
  • Cleckheaton 87
  • Glasgow (Survey combined with Burton-on-Trent) 88


Applied Inspection Ltd 89 per cent


An overall customer satisfaction measurement of 89 per cent reflects the importance that all staff place on satisfying the requirements of customers.

A general guide as to the level of customer satisfaction for a company such as Applied Inspection Limited with a large customer base would be 75 to 85 per cent. Therefore an overall figure of 89 per cent is exceptional and will be very difficult to improve upon.

However, the level of customer satisfaction must be continually reviewed and possible improvements sought and implemented.

The next review of customer satisfaction will be carried out late 2001.

Survey carried out by John Morris (QHS&E Manager) during November and December 2000, assisted by Gail Sanderson.