Hot work is always a high risk activity. Ensuring there is no ignition from that hot work is dependent on correctly preparing the work area and the work piece, and ensuring those undertaking the work and fully competent to understand how those risks are generated and controlled.
Many clients will have specific systems for permitting hot work and Applied Inspection will always fully work with clients to ensure their permit requirements are fully observed. We are also happy to advise clients on preparation of work areas prior to our site attendance to undertake hot work.
Some hot work includes a potential to evolve fume (a mixture of hot gasses and fine particulate) into the atmosphere. This fume has been sampled in typical work situations in Applied Inspection’s Burton on Trent facility and analysed. It was found to contain less than 10% of any Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) in the Health and Safety Executive’s publication EH40 for any of the indicator substances in the analysis. Applied Inspection will advise if any hot work undertaken at clients’ premises is expected to require control of this fume. Except for higher volumes of hot work, this is rarely required.